Product Detail

Clean Bill Discount is a lending service that enhances your company's short-term liquidity using a bill, bill of exchange, promissory note or post-dated cheque, which you sell to the Bank to get cash quickly and conveniently.

Exchange bills for cash immediately after export

•     Good financial history

•     Business track record. (Number of years depends on type of business.)

Document Required

Certificate of Registration

Certificate of Registration, Memorandum of Association and List of Shareholders

Financial statements

Financial statements audited by certified public accountant

Copy of ID card

Copy of ID card and house registration of the authorized person

Summary statement

Summary statement of core banking transactions for past six months

Letter of consent

Letter of consent for SCB to check credit information

Financial Amount Objective:

Please provide detail and objective for your request


Copy of draft/ promissory note/ cheque to be discounted

                        The consideration is in line with the Bank's guidelines.